Elsinore Middle School

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En Español

Positive Social Media Use Parent Workshops

Below are links to parent workshop webinars in both English and Spanish and attached are flyer with general information about these workshops.  In today's world, social media has become ​a large part of students' communication and interactions, often for the negative.  It is so important that our families ​learn about ​potential risks of social media and how to direct students to use it for positive, productive reasons.  This webinar will be available to families for one week, April 4-11, so we hope you all take the time to watch and expand your understanding of social media use by ​our students.  Thank you very much for your support of Elsinore Middle School.

Parenting in the Digital World
Access key: ems2022-PITDW-E  

The passwords will be active on 4/4 @ 12:01 AM and will expire on  4/11 @ 11:59 PM.

Educando a Los Padres en el Mundo Digital 
Access key: ems2022-PITDW-S  
