Elsinore Middle School

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Student Schedules

Please note these schedules are tentative and may change as enrollment numbers fluctuate and classes are balanced.

If your student needs a schedule change for one of the allowed reasons, please reach out to Mrs. Webber via ParentSquare or email her at [email protected]. Schedules will only be changed for the following reasons:

- If a student is placed in the wrong class level; for example, if your student is in 7th grade but was placed in an 8th grade class.
- If a student has a missing class during a particular period.
- If a student is placed in the wrong elective; for example, if they are in an elective wheel class and want to be in band.
For students in the elective wheel, which includes Intro to Spanish, Art, Computer Literacy, or Industrial Technology, these classes have been assigned to provide balance in the overall schedule. We have limited flexibility in accommodating preferences for specific elective wheel classes.

We understand that students may have preferences for a particular lunch, PE period, or specific teachers. However, we are unable to make schedule changes based on these preferences as we need to ensure balanced class sizes.
We look forward to welcoming our students back on August 7th, the first day of school. Please note that this will be a late start Wednesday, with school beginning at 9:33 am and the campus opening at 8:30 am. On the first day, students should check the poster in the quad for their 1st period class, where they will receive a printed schedule. It's important to check these lists, as schedules may change up to the night before school starts.

Looking forward to a great school year.