Elsinore Middle School

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Important Dates for 8th graders transiting to High School

Information Nights and Course Selection Dates

Below are important dates for each of the high schools. Parents, these nights are great opportunity to engage with the schools, explore their special programs, and determine which high school is the best fit for your student.

Elsinore High School Important Dates

  • Information Night: January 23rd: Freshman Orientation 6pm – 8pm
  • Course Selection: February 7th: Elsinore High Counselors tentatively coming to Elsinore Middle School for Course Selection. Student will be pulled from their classes.

Lakeside High School Important Dates

  • Information Night: January 22nd: Medieval Knights in the Lakeside Gym 6pm-7:30pm. Come learn about teams, clubs, and special programs offered at Lakeside!
  • Course Selection: March TBD: Lakeside will come to Elsinore Middle School for course selection in the library. Students will be pulled from their classes. 

Temescal Canyon High School Important Dates

  • Information Night: January 21st: Freshman Preview Night 6pm-8pm. Meet the program directors and learn more about TCHS Special Programs.
  • Course Selection: January 28th: Freshman Course Selection Night. One on one course selection and advising; non-attendance will result in course being chosen for the student.
    1. A-G (5:30pm - 6:00pm)
    2. H-L (6:00pm - 6:30pm)
    3. M-R (6:30pm - 7:00pm)
    4. S-Z (7:00pm - 7:30pm)

Intra-District Transfer Deadline

January 31st at 4pm is a strict deadline for families interested in having their child attend a high school other than their home school to submit an application for an Intra-district transfer.
