Elsinore Middle School

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$5260 in Teacher Grants Awarded by Assistance League of Temecula Valley

LAKE ELSINORE—Eleven teachers were awarded classroom grants by the Assistance League of Temecula Valley totaling $5260. A celebration of the Assistance League’s (AL) generous support of K-12 teachers was held on December 3 at the District Office. AL President Denise Lanier, Annette Sheehy, Director of Philanthropic Programs, VP of Finance Dorcas Shaktman, and Grant Chair Connie Harris presented the certificates of award. The grant program is rotated annually among local school districts served by the Assistance League.

Individual grants range from $400.00 to $500.00. Winning projects encompass purchase of classroom reading materials and STEM science supplies to virtual field trips and arts activities.

Funds will be used to individualize engineering, science, arts and math instruction (STEAM); to provide chapter readers to promote literacy in Special Ed.; to teach computer coding with robots; physical and virtual educational opportunities in partnership with Carlsbad’s Flower Fields and the renowned Fleet Science Center; fine arts activities to include creative design, multimedia, and legacy mural painting.

The 11 winning teachers and their classroom project descriptions are listed below:


John Chung (Ortega HS)

Plan, design, build a storage shed (mathematics)

Judy Cook (William Collier ES)

Field trip to the Flower Fields for first graders

Jennifer DeVore (Cottonwood Canyon ES)

Ozbots to teach STEM and computer science, gr. 3

Shaun I. Galvan (Temescal Cyn. HS)

Chemistry equip. for students for Spring Science Fair

Gina Goodman (Luiseño School)

Sets of chapter book readers for special ed., gr. 3-5

Kathy Parks (Temescal Cyn. HS)

Student subscriptions to health-oriented periodicals

Monique Poldberg (Lakeland Village)

Virtual presentation by Fleet Center Museum for gr. 2

Kristen Raxter (William Collier ES)

Hands on STEM & engineering instruction, gr. 1

Candace Simpson (Withrow ES)

Art supplies and enrichment for gr. 2 students

Cristos Thiveos (Lakeside HS)

Promotion of arts, legacy mural painting for HS

Jerry Wiley (Elsinore MS)

Derby car engineering design challenge, grades 6-8
