Elsinore Middle School

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Application Required - Open to Incoming 7th & 8th Graders Only
ASB stands for Associated Student Body and is an elective class that is part elected and part appointed. This class develops leadership skills and runs the school business as it relates to clubs on campus. We also promote school culture with events, lunch sports, games etc...

Application Required - Open to All Grade Levels
AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is a college readiness program offered at EMS in 6th-8th grades to support students in succeeding in rigorous courses that will ensure college success.

Enrollment Form Required - Open to All Grade Levels
Band is offered to all middle school students, grades 6-8th! You do not need any experience to join the band. Mrs. Dinger will teach you how to read music and will teach you everything about playing your instrument! We do many concerts and activities throughout the year, which includes festivals and a Disneyland trip. 
You may rent your instrument or you may borrow one from the school! In band, you may choose to play the flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone, tuba, drums (percussion instruments), bells, or string bass!

Enrollment Form Required - Open to All Grade Levels
Orchestra (strings class) is offered to all middle school students, grades 6-8th! You do not need any experience to join the band. Mrs. Dinger will teach you how to read music and will teach you everything about playing your instrument! We do many concerts and activities throughout the year, which includes festivals and a Disneyland trip. You may rent your instrument or you may borrow one from the school! Instruments for Orchestra include: Violin, Viola, Cello, and String Bass.

Application Required - Open to All Grade Levels
PLUS stands for Peer Leaders Uniting Students! Help breakdown the walls of stereo types, change the culture of our school and make life-long friends! This is a great opportunity to serve others and gain incredible leadership skills! You can also be involved in PLUS in high school! In fact, many colleges give scholarships to PLUS leaders! If you liked our video, and think you will be a great fit, please sign up for PLUS today!! We want you!! (6-8 graders all welcome!)
No Application Required - Open to All Grade Levels
You will be assigned to 2 of the following classes and each class will last 1 semester: Art, Computer Literacy, Intro to Spanish or Industrial Technology.  For this option, you cannot select specific classes and will be placed in the electives available for your grade level.

Application Required - Open to Incoming 7th & 8th Graders Only
Advanced art is a course designed for highly motivated students who show strong interest in visual art. Students will design original work using a variety of art materials and tools as they employ drawing, painting, sculpting, and mixed media processes.  This course will be taught at an accelerated instructional pace with higher rigor project standards.
Requirements: Must have taken Art before and earned a "A-" or better.
Application Required - Open to All Grade Levels. Enrollment Form Required for incoming 6th graders
In the Introduction to Engineering class students will first be introduced to computer science in a systematic way to cover all the important computing concepts.  Then students will learn more about the Engineering Design Process and how to utilize it to solve problems through multiple hands-on projects.
Application Required - Open to Incoming 7th & 8th Graders Only
In Automation and Robotics class students will trace the history and development of automation and Robotics as they learn about mechanical and computer control systems. Students will use the VEX Robotics platform to design, build, and program functional robots that can tackle real-world challenges. Students will also gain deeper insight on the value of teamwork and how to solve problems in a systematic manner.
Requirements: Must have good work ethic and earned a "C" or better in previous electives class.

Must Meet Requirements - Open to Incoming 7th & 8th Graders Only
Students continue learning intermediate and advanced techniques in graphic arts, 3D drawing, 3D printing, more hands-on projects which include modeling with wood, sewing, and creating egg crash devices. 
Requirements: Must have taken Computer Literacy and earned a "C+" or better.
Application Required - Open to Incoming 7th & 8th Graders only
In the Advanced Computer Science class students will learn to program with Python language.  Python is a text-based programming language that is widely used in making web applications.  Students will transition from block-based coding to text-based coding in this class through the use of an unique Drag-to-Text toolkit.
Requirements: Must have prior coding experience and earned a "B" or better.
EMS Tigers

Nondiscrimination Statement

The Lake Elsinore Unified School District (LEUSD) is committed to ensuring equal, fair, and meaningful access to employment and educational services. The District does not discriminate in any employment practice, educational program, or educational activity on the basis and/or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics of age, ancestry, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity or expression, genetic information, immigration status, marital status, medical condition, national origin, political affiliation, pregnancy, and related conditions, race, religion, retaliation, sex (including sexual harassment), sexual orientation, Vietnam Era Veterans’ status, or any other basis prohibited by California state and federal nondiscrimination laws respectively. Not all bases of discrimination shall apply to both educational services and employment. The Office of Equal Opportunity is charged with overseeing, leading, and directing the LEUSD’s efforts to meet the legal obligations set forth in state and federal civil rights laws and regulations in LEUSD employment and delivery of educational services. Inquiries regarding nondiscrimination and civil rights should be directed to Title IX Coordinators of the Lake Elsinore Unified School District.